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"Perfect the Details"​

Coach Hanke takes his teaching profession and uses the same principles in his coaching.  Knowing each player is unique not only in their play, but their learning style, Hanke specializes in communicating with students and players with a focus on building positive relationships with them.  


As our motto states "Perfect the Details", we firmly believe every single player can improve every area of their game.  We focus on helping players improve all skills!  While working with all levels of players, many of the same drills that can be used for beginning players, can still be effectively used for advanced players.  If you ever have the opportunity to watch an NHL practice, you will see some the greatest players in the world working on simple skating and puck skill drills. We value working with and helping 1st year players as much as I do advanced players.  Often times, lessons for beginners are overlooked and overpriced.


We know we will never be perfect, but striving too be will get us close.  The best way to accomplish this is three-fold:


                      1.  Learning - We believe there is always more to learn.  Having players who are able to understand                                                this and use it, will always find the best improvement.  Coach Hanke is committed to                                                learning more about as much as possible everyday to become a more effective                                                          mentor.


                      2.  Failure - We firmly believe in what is often stated but rarely followed, "Failure is the best                                                         teacher".  Players are often put in uncomfortable situations and drills and not only                                                     ALLOWED, but encouraged to fail.


                      3.  Repetition - Too often players are given a drill, do it a couple times, then move on.  WIth Coach                                                      Hanke you will try difficult things and continually practice them until you improve                                                      and accomplish them. 


With Hanke Hockey, you will be better than you started. 



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